Treasure Hunting with Metadec
NEWS : Link towards the championship of the prospectors of May 28, 2006
Metadec is a metal detector, entered the legend of the hunters of Treasure. Produced in 1982, it remains one of the apparatuses best designed, offering a large variety of research programs. For the United States, this detector is ideal for the search for vestiges in the phantom cities, or on the old inhabited site or battle fields. It offers a power which was not still exceeded in 2006, by its mode G-max.
The Metadec series 1 of 1982 allowed many discoveries of importance in the world. In France, it made it possible to withdraw all the gold currencies of the Gallic Treasury of Fine sands. It is still used nowadays, by certain archaeologists, like auxiliary apparatus, to be certain anything to forget like metal objects in a site. In the United States, Metadec would be an apparatus of exception, which could give its full power, in prospections in the rock ones or in the four Corners, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico City and Arizona! Its smoothness allow him to take tiny objects, and it is extremely sensitive to gold.If a hunter of American Treasure or American continent, has Metadec, can it testify here, of its apparatus, that would be interesting. Thank a lot.
The idea of treasure hunting has captivated us for centuries. The urge that prompted John Silver to sail to Treasure Island and expeditions to be raised to find the hidden hoards of the swashbuckling pirates of the Spanish. Main finds its counterpart today in the treasure hunter armed with his or her metal detector.
What hat caused the hobby to grow and aimost explode to such an extent during the past decade or two? Two factors chieffly . Firstly, rapid developments in the field of electronics have done mutch to improve performance and detector design and manufacture in Britain, America and Europa, particulary in the past two years or so. Secondly, of course, the publicity which has surrounded some quite sensational finds un recent years has caused a great jump in demand. In fact, following one such find local stockists were quite unable to cope with it all. Nothing breeds success like success. Statistics can be bent and generally manipulated to suit one's purpose, but there is no disputing that the hobby is growing fast and that sales of detectors indicate something approaching a one hundred thousand ownership in this country now.
In the USA, where the hobby is longer established, one in every eight families is reputed to own a metal detector.
Quite appart from this indeniable attraction, the hobby is getting thousands of all ages and types out into the fresh air at weekends and on holliday. Families too are becoming engrossed and fascinated. Clubs are being formed up and down the country and with them, of course, a greater degree of responsability and the recongnition and practice of a code of conduct.
We believe there is something like five hundred billions dollars in lost or buried treasure in World. We are hardly likely to see the kind of priceless treasures found in Egypt in the tombs of the pharaohs or those attribued to the Aztecs or Incas, but nevertheless large numbers of caches must exist around the country, which equal them in terms of historical and social interest.
In England, Richard Davies, a travel agent form Buckinghamshire, is typical of the enthusiastic and dedicated but reponsible amateur metal detector users who enjoy the hobby. He has many successes to his credit and in the autumn of 1975 found a rare William II penny a few inches below the surface of wooded scrubland near Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire.
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