Championship of Prospectors - May 28, 2006

The new metal detector CS 3 MX
In 26 years of prospection, it is the first time that I decided to go in a rally of prospectors. Making left "old", I am always a little refractory with this kind of demonstration, preferring research and discretion with the competition. But this rally had an interesting side, quizz, test benches, contests, then I decided and I do not regret my participation in this championship organized by the magazine "the Digger" who has just asserted himself in the panorama of the French specialized reviews. A review which is for the moment pledged with no manufacturing of detector and which is, currently, independent. What was very pleasant, it is the spirit of fraternity which existed between the prospector present. One felt a unit in passion, and the detectors were very diversified, all the marks were there, there was of Tesoro, the Scopes, Minelab, Garrett, White S, the XP, and even of the detectors which one can find on mail order catalogues, and which are in fact of bad quality by the fact that it does not even detect an iron nail! To how said it me with its large injury, a Mister who thought of making a deal and which bit the fingers not to have a Scope or Tesoro! In this demonstration one speaks about "Scope culture" "culture Tesoro" "Garrett culture" which definite afficionados of these various marks.
It is a true ethnology of the prospection! Prospectors will swear only by sound discrimination characteristic of CS 1220 R, or of old VLF TR 1220 B, others will want only detectors "all or nothing" like Tesoro Tejon. A great richness in the diversity of the machines and the tastes of each one, and it is so much better for the effectiveness of each prospector. I had the occasion to test in hand, with the pleasant authorization of the importer of the British mark, new CS 3 MX. Its design is radically new at C-SCOPE, with a case whose reduced format is very appreciable, and whose esthetics is certain. The mode of research is very comfortable, not false signals, a startup of simplest. It is an apparatus which has in the logic of "you light, you detect", who is asked by more and more people. The sound is Net and frank with the applomb of a target, and marvellous thing, plus need for "retune", the detector gauges him even automatically. There is more sound variation, with décalibrage by the ground effect. Another innovation, C-SCOPE A creates a detachable case of the cane and which can go to the belt (hip mount), and that allow hours of detection without tiredness.
It is a first significant step, C-SCOPE towards the miniaturization of the cases of control of its detectors. The target on central serigraphy is not any more the "retune" but the "pint not" hiding under a button membrane, which make it possible to find a target, by a precise targeting. This detector is more powerful than old CS 2 MX, with a profit in simplicity of utlisation and power and comfort of detection. I was impressed by this beautiful apparatus. When I had CS 3 MX in hand, I had a feeling of power, indeed, the Scope is very good in term of penetration of the grounds, here a meadow, it would have to be tested in the ploughings, but no doubt that it must be excellent. The new sound tonality, which evokes that of legendary Metadec, will charm many prospectors.
Already, Mr Cuisinier noticed the his characteristic of this apparatus, very extremely with the top of a target and very Net. I also tested CS 3 MX in port with the belt, though already light, this Scope carried to the belt offers a total freedom, hours and hours of prospection without any tiredness. The British firm made extremely, and approaches the cases of Tesoro by this detector of a new generation, and which breaks completely with the traditional design adopted by C-SCOPE since the end of 1990 for these detectors.

Alain Cloarec
Alain Cloarec is a large hunter of treasures, which traversed the world, and which has with its prize list large treasures discovered. It affectionne particularly its Silver Sabres at Tesoro, but recognized, during this day, that CS 3 MX had very good capacities, and in particular an aural signal extrêment fine and powerful. Its opinion for this detector is invaluable, and shows well, that C-SCOPE knew to renew its range in the direction of modernity and important innovations on the technical level. This new series of metal detectors is promised with a great future. Alain Cloarec is for its part a user of Tesoro and another Minelab, each hunter of treasures finds its "culture" in detection, and it is that which makes the diversity and the great richness of our preferred marks! This rally was also the occasion to see old detectors, but which were at the time the best, and whose users do not want to demolish themselves. Here VLF TR 1220 B, an apparatus considered as the perfection in the years 1985. He is the direct ancestor of CS 1220 XDP, and CS 1220 R. He has sound discrimination. And its user declared with the rally that it preferred to keep his 1220 B to change some, in spite of the technological projection due to the microprocessors. He had said to have left as well things with ground, for 20 years, as he did not want to change some for the moment. Admittedly by seeing CS 1220 R, the last born at Scope of the detector with screen LCD, this prospector wanted to have one of them, but it acknowledges to want to still keep this apparatus for a long time. It is that the ransom of success, even 20 years afterwards, one does not want to change some. It is true that detection with sound discrimination is one of the methods most effective nothing to let pass on the ground, and moreover, in a fast way, without wasting time.

Gérand Fraenkel Director of SOCE and Jacques Bonnet to the Meeting
This photo watch Mr. Bonnet explaining to a prospector, effectiveness of CS R1 on the beaches. Indeed, during this championship of the prospectors, many which was those said that the Scope were among the best detectors to be passed on the beaches. Two Breton prospectors equipped with a detector of another known mark said that if these detectors are terrible in the fields, they are ineffective on the beaches, panicking on wet sand. These two prospectors envisagaient the purchase of a Scope to go on the beaches. Information which astonished me, and which still confirms, effectiveness of the Scope and its extreme versatility on all the types of ground. For my part, I had taken my CS 1220 R, and with him, I was to find superb a monnaire of Victor Emmanuel of 1867 and two lead tokens of the contest! A good small prize list for the little of time when I remained, because the competition was completed with 17h00 and I have to return to 15h00, which shows well the effectiveness of this detector, which remains my preferred with Metadec. This championship was a great success, and all the marks of detectors, great associations of prospectors, like AFP, and the many contests organized like the quizz, were really of this day, one day very interesting and enriching for each one among the participants!
The CS 1220 R is a detector which would be excellent in research of vestiges, in the phantom cities of the American West. I hope to test the CS 1220 R it one day in Utah.
The Blogmaster.
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